Stop being The Nice Guy. Or Girl.
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If you can show that you can see their box of treasure, and that you care about it, they can relax. They can be more open to spending their energy on other things. If they feel alone with their treasure, they will always look to protect it first.
Here's an example:
Too often, we think that in order to get what we want, we need to be more aggressive. More take charge. More of a "tough guy." And at the same time we're scared to be looked at that way.
Because you already know what it feels like to deal with people who are aggressive. It's not great.
What if you could get what you want without doing that?
The answer is to be a wall. Not a wall with guards and guns... just a simple wall.
You don't argue with a wall. You just accept that you'll have to find another way around.
If a wall starts shapeshifting moving every time you go near it... you'd stop looking for a way around and keep pressing up against it to find a way through.
So be resolute (the verbal equivalent of a wall), but kind.
This is the key to making the first two steps work. If you are only empathetic, then you'll get rolled over. Instead, be kind and unmoving.
See you next week.
2443 Fillmore #380-1345, San Francisco, CA 94115 |
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