
You Deserve More

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How to earn what you're worth in 2024

Jan 6 2024 How to earn what you're worth in 2024 This should take: 4 minutes Hi. This one is about how to build a strategy and habit of advocating for yourself this year. Who doesn't want to earn more this year? Raise your hand. Hand not raised? Okay, take a minute to skim this and then dig in. I want to give you 2 actionable steps to moving forward on the goal of advocating for yourself more this year. How to arm yourself with strategy How to create some small wins so you're motivated Then...

Dec 17 2023 A single sentence that will let you persuade anyone. This should take: 5 minutes Hi Today we're going to establish a simple set of questions you can ask yourself to figure out how to influence someone. Whether you realize it or not, you're trying to influence someone in some way, every day of your life, and most certainly at work. And there's a large variance in how effective people are because it's common to believe that logic is what persuades people. We are wired to follow...

Dec 2nd 2023 Stop being The Nice Guy. Or Girl. But still be nice. A mini handbook This should take: 4 minutes Hi. Have you ever heard or felt this? "I'm always the nice guy, and then I get taken advantage of" If you believe that in order to get what you want, you have to be a jerk, it's going to be a hard road. Most people believe some version of this. They actually believe that the Trump version of negotiation is effective. Because IT IS. Well, kind of. The truth is, sometimes being...

Nov 18 2023 Negotiating Over Email: A Cheatsheet for Entrepreneurs, Coaches and Consultants This should take: 4 minutes Hi. This one is about fixing how you write emails. Writing emails effectively can be make or break when you need to hunt to eat. I rewrite a lot of client's emails. It's still surprising the mistakes I find. You often write because you want something. You want them to take action, reduce their price, improve their offer, accept your way of doing things. Every. Single. Day....

YOU DESERVE MORE Everyone is Persuadable. (Just Avoid These Mistakes You're Making) Read time: 3 minutes You're receiving this because you expressed interest in or took my Maven course on negotiation. Feel free to write back to me directly on what you'd like to hear/learn more about. Today I'm going to talk about how I open up conversations where I want something, without making the other person defensive. I find that if I open up a conversation in the right way, it makes the other person...